Today you will hear most of the parents complaining about the overuse of technology by their kids. They usually make statements such as “My kid is so attached to the screen that he becomes restless without it” whereas some say “My children are growing with the screens or they are the screen junkies” these statements may voice the craze of kids after technology but if analyzed critically, it shows some aspects of addiction too. But how does this start? Many a times kids’ curiosity and their eagerness to explore technology drags them to the tech addiction in a subtle way whereas there are instances too when parents allow their kids to use digital devices for their own convenience such as when they want children be entertained so they can finish making dinner or talking on the phone, or enjoy the family or social gatherings, etc. In this scenario, kids get the opportunity to use devices without the surveillance of their parents, hence there are chances that they abuse technology. This misuse can elicit the urge to make excessive use of technology. Now, to avoid falling into these errors, it is necessary to consider these 5 tips:

1. Parents should be a model of responsible use:

Keep in mind one important thing: kids follow your actions, not your words” So better be a good role model for them and try to adjust your time efficiently so you can set limits on time and use it for other activities.

2. Designate “time” for kids to connect to devices

Depending on the nature and temperament of your kid, the child may have begun addiction by having social anxiety. So one of the new rules is to differentiate when it is allowed and when it is not allowed for them to use these devices. It should be replaced by a little time to share with them. The best way to designate time is using the screen time app such as FamilyTime that lets you put auto-screen-lock on your kids’ devices for any time interval while allowing you to remotely lock the phone in case of disobedience. Want to give this app a try? Download it today from iTunes or Google Play or in a jiffy from buttons below:



3. Explore alternatives with them

Let them create a list of things they enjoy doing. This cannot include anything about technology. You can help them add fun activities such as playing field games, for instance, basketball, hockey, cricket, badminton etc. or the board games such as chess. There can be many other activities your kids can engage in. To name a few, gardening, cooking, book reading and art are on top of the list. Once the list is compiled, allocate time for the activities listed down from the leisure time available whenever possible.

4. Make the transition gradually

Someone who is addicted to digital devices needs to disconnect gradually. If it is removed abruptly, you feed them childhood anxiety rather than improving the situation. To understand the scenarios, you are needed to be good at learning behavior. If you see your kid getting more anxious, try to engage them is other activities around them, otherwise, the mood will worsen.

5. Seek professional help if needed

If the situation has become unmanageable, and parent-child communication doesn’t seem to be working, and anxiety is very high, it is best to seek a professional in child psychology to help figure out what is the root of the problem and how it can be resolved.

Use these 5 tips and prevents your kids from the overuse of technology. You can always take the assistance of digital tools such as screen time app as you need iron to cut the iron.