Smartphone Addiction Is Affecting Family Relations – A Screen Time App Is What You Need!


Last night I went out to have dinner with my family. There was another family sitting next to our table but that is not what caught my eye. What got me staring at them was that each one of them was immersed in their devices while they waited for the food to be served. From the father to the youngest child who was about 10 years old, everyone had their heads bent down.

Kids and adults both have become smartphone slaves. Social media notifications, texting, and gaming are coming in the way of quality family time. While technology keeps a family connected, it keeps them apart when they are actually together. They feel the need to check their Facebook or post a pic on Instagram. They can’t resist completing the next level of their game. All this becomes more important than talking to each other. This is also creating a general fear of face to face talking among kids and they tend to avoid talking whenever they can.

I felt sad and happy at the same time. Sad because they had precious time together but they were spending it on their devices. And happy because I faced the similar situation a few months ago and overcame it successfully. When I realized that my kids were becoming tech addicts, I took up two things and now my kids know their tech boundaries and even appreciate them. Read more to check out what I did.

Digital Timeout

I created digital timeouts for them using a screen time app i.e. FamilyTime. It locks down the devices and generates an automatic pause in their tech routine. Different routines can be set up for different kids. The kids cannot use their devices during this time. By default, there are rules for bedtime, dinner time and homework time while customized rules can be made as well. I used these three rules plus some additional timeouts on weekends and holidays. There was some initial crankiness, but soon they adjusted to the change.

Try this app for your iPhone or Android smartphone!



Keeping Busy

While I reduced their screen time, I made sure they had something else to do in that time. My daughter is an art geek so I brought her a lot of art supplies. We often sit together and do art-y stuff together. On the other hand, my son likes to play board games so I got him different ones. We also play in the backyard, read and cook sometimes. It’s all okay as long as there are no devices involved. I and my partner also made sure that we didn’t use our phones when our kids were having a timeout.

Family Togetherness

Don’t let devices come in the way of a good time spent together. I don’t deny the importance of these gadgets and the comfort they bring in so many matters. But it is equally important we don’t let them plague our lives completely. Utilize a screen time app for your assistance and create a balance in your home.