Summer is all about family vacations, theme parks, fun-filled days, adventurous trips and spending a quality time with each other. Parents are entitled to have some spare and relaxing time during the summers so that they can enjoy themselves. But, when you have kids, you don’t feel completely tension-free as long as you do not make sure that your child is safe.

Enjoy Your Vacations without Worrying about Your Child’s Safety!

Keeping a track on kids without bombarding their phone with a number of text messages and calls is necessary. Teenagers should be able to enjoy their time during vacations without having to check their phones again and again just for answering their parent’s calls.

How to make sure that your child is not heading towards any unwanted location while you are having a cup of coffee at the beach? Are the children in their room or have they gone for a walk? These small concerns may bug you most of the time and ruin your vacations. To avoid such concerns, you need to adopt a stress-free method of tracking your teen’s location. Doing so has become easier than ever, in this digital era. One of the biggest advantages of smartphones is that you can make sure your child is safe, even if you are not with them. Yes, talking about the family locator app!

Virtually Track Your Child Using a Family Locator App

A family locator app such as Family time is affordably priced and is exceptionally easy to use. All you need to do is talk to your child about the need for location tracking and install the app on your teen’s GPS enabled smartphone. FamilyTime is a comprehensive app, one which comes with a number of useful features for digitally monitoring the activities of young kids. It works with the consent of children and does not encourage ‘spying’ at all.

With the help of the FamilyTime app, you can keep tabs on your teenager in following ways:

  • Parents can get to know the current whereabouts of their teenagers

  • Parents can find out about the places that their child likes to visit often by using their FamilyTime dashboard

  • It lets parents see the complete details of location history along with the date and time stamps

  • They can geo fence important places to receive instant alerts about their kids coming in or going out of those places

  • They can also get notifications from kids when it is tie to pick them up with their location details.

  • FamilyTime app also has a feature to send SOS alerts that kids can use in case of emergency. With tha alert parents receive complete location details of their kids.

FamilyTime is a family locator app which gives you the best value for your money. You do not have to make any calls, in order to ensure your teen’s safety. Simply download the app from Google play store or iOS and start tracking location on your smart device. You can simply click the buttons given below to have a quick look at the app!

