Children’s increased screentime is a challenge to parents reason being their declining health and poor academic performance. If you too are worried about your kids’ screen time and want to cope up with this spreading disease, just follow these tips and provide your children a healthy routine. Though it would be a bit tough, but worth the damage.


1. Involve them in other interesting activities; Attract them to their favorite sports and interesting outdoor activities. Make them join swimming classes, soccer or tennis. It not only excites them, but also compel them to drop off their devices for their own fun’s sake. You can also take them to parks for some physical activities daily to make them drop gadgets.

2. No strict action; Children are most attracted to things you ask them to stop. Spanking is the worst way to handle children. Parents today are so stressed of this increased screentime of kids that they use spanking instead of discussing do’s and dont’s. Teach them softly to keep away from the screen, telling them the damage.

3. Find alternatives; You can’t completely keep children off from mobile screen. Go for alternatives of mobile apps and features. Make your kids watch movies and videos on television with you. Secondly, teach them new and interesting outdoor games instead of playing video games. To make them avoid online chat, attatch your teens with yourself. Talk to them about their problems, have friendly discussions.

4. Drop your phones too; When children see their parents connected to phones, that is what they would learn too. You need to keep yourself away from screen to spend time with your kids. Children follow parents, so you will have to try this tip surely.

5. Set rules; Mobile is not only a problem, its a daily need. So you can’t keep your kid away from screen whole day, but a schedule can be set. You should take away phones from children at night and during homwork hours. In fact allow them to use the phones for a few hours daily.

6. Block addictive apps; Before giving your kids the phones, block a few waste of time apps or the ones that can keep them hooked such as chatting apps or games so they get involved in family. This way they would use the screen for a useful purpose only.

7. Use screentime app; Take the advantage of advanced screen time app such as FamilyTime that turns off your kids phone when they exceed certain time on screen. With the app in hand, you can either schedule auto screen locks on your kids’ device or can even put a remote lock any time and from anywhere. This means that your kid can’t use their own device unless you want them to. This makes them easily turn away from the screen and busy themselves with other household activities and spend more time with you. Want to give this app a try for free? You can! Just click the buttons below to get the app on your phone now!


screen time app

screen time app