Monitor Text Messages and Protect Your Kids from Unsafe Smartphone Use

Monitor Text Messages and Protect Your Kids from Unsafe Smartphone Use

Kids usually start texting when they get their personal smartphones in their tweens. Most of the kids, text all the time throughout the day. They often carry out long text conversations at night, disturbing the sleep. The incoming notifications distract them while studying, driving and doing other important stuff. Text messaging is addictive and the majority of teens suffer from this addiction. Apart from making them smartphone junkies, inducing anti-social behavior, and threatening their ability to communicate adequately, there are some other dangers related to texting.


As the word implies, sharing of sexual content through text messages is called sexting. It is quite popular among teens and even tweens. A good percentage of teens admit having received a “sext” from someone even if they are not the senders. This is the new way of showing your interest in each other and they think that their texts would only be seen by their friends/partners. However, that is not the case. Kids are also peer pressured into sexting.

What most people don’t know about sexting is that it is illegal and can be charged as child pornography. Teens also have illegal penalties for it. So, children must be educated about its consequences and restricted from it as well.

Text Bullying and Harassment

Cyberbullying also takes place through text messages. Since it can be anonymous, bullies harass kids with hate comments and threats continuously. This is emotionally disturbing for kids and they suffer from anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts due to extended bullying.

Child predators also lure kids through this medium and then blackmail them or use their personal information to kidnap them.

Check Unsafe Behavior

Parents should keep an eye on their kids ‘online activity and monitor text messages to protect them from such dangers. Parents must:

  • Talk about these matters and teach them about the safety measures. Bring up the subject of bullying and sexting in your conversations from time to time to keep them updated.

  • Observe their behavior for any changes. If they are starting to lose interest in their favorite activities, avoid interaction and school and stay withdrawn then you should talk to them.

  • Restrict them from texting after bedtime, while studying, eating, in the classroom and in social gatherings.

  • Use an app for text message monitoring such as the FamilyTime app. It allows parents to view kids’ inbox and get time, date and contact details as well. It means that you can look out for sexting slang, harsh comments, unknown contacts and other suspicious activity. You can also monitor browser history and apps, block apps, limit screen time and track location etc.

Click the buttons below to get this app for Android or iOS devices:

Monitor text messages

Monitor text messages

Say No to Texting Dangers

If you monitor text messages regularly, you can keep a check on your kids and take action against sexting well in time. It will also let you help them if they suffer from bullying or harassment.