Why Reading Child’s Text is Useless: How Parents can Ensure Text Messages Monitoring

Why Reading Child’s Text is Useless: How Parents can Ensure Text Messages Monitoring

In the world, when everyone is connected and can communicate at any time, the dangers of privacy and security exist at large. Especially, when it comes to kids and teenagers, they usually prefer to text their friends because of the ease. The majority of parents read their kid’s text messages in order to protect them from potential threats. It is fine up to some extent because parents have responsibilities over their shoulders to protect their child from online dangers such as cyberbullying and sexting. The right way is to monitor text messages every now and then.

However, if someone tells the parents that reading your child’s text messages does not work, what would be the reaction. There are plenty of reasons why reading a child’s text messages will be a waste of time or would create a gap between you and your child. Why reading a child’s text messages is not the right approach will be discussed shortly.

Scanning all of their Texts are Nearly Impossible

Children usually prefer to send texts and an average of about 312 messages was sent every week. The number is quite big and keeping track of each and every text message is impossible. Even if both mother and father working together won’t be able to track every message. The task is quite time-consuming and parents have many other things to look for.

Bombardment of Apps

There are too many apps on the child’s phone such as Facebook, TikTok, Yubo, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter. All of these apps are used to communicate with other people and imagine if parents have to monitor each and every app, how much time would be required. It is impossible for anyone to keep track of text messages, voice messages, snaps, and IMs.

Texts Can be Deleted Instantly

As discussed earlier, it is almost impossible to keep track of each text message. There are plenty of apps on your child’s phone and you can’t track what platform they are using to send and receive text messages. Moreover, deleting received and sent text messages is a lot easier and you never know what conversation they had.

Privacy Matters

Privacy is an important part of anyone’s life including your kids. Without giving them due to privacy, you won’t give your child a sense of independence that is essential for successful adulthood. If you want to create balance in your parenting, you need to find the maturity level and right parenting style. After a while, you will realize that reading all of your child’s texts is like reading a personal diary.

What Parents Can Do?

As a parent, you need to give independence and also protect them from the dark side of the web. In order to track their activities especially text messages monitoring, install Parental Control App on your child’s device. From app blocking to app usage and SMS to call tracking, you can monitor every activity of your child right from your own device. Protect your child from predators and cyberbullies by installing parental monitoring app.